Ms Windows 3.11 Download

Mar 12, 2020 Download Free Windows 11 ISO 64 bit 32-bit Update: There is a lot of rumors that surround the release date of Windows 11 with most people anticipating that Microsoft has no plans of unleashing a new operating system. In part, this is because the software giant recently announced that Windows 10 would be its last release of the operating system. appears to now be down(forumpost).A mirror (which hasn't had authenticity verified) may be at

Some files include:

Official Addons
WinG 1.0
Officially called (by Q125698 and alsoMicrosoft Software Library(MSL) Directory's Index) WinG SDK 1.0, I believe this is actually a runtimefor end-users to download to install the necessary extentions, rather than abunch of libraries for developers to employ. MDGX's Win3.1x Upgrades pagecalls this '16-bit GDI Graphics/Video Acceleration Runtime Libraries(DLLs)'. Related downloads/links:
  • The local copy of the above two identical fileshas been zipped.
  • Q125698 Info page that says WinG did not come with Windows 3.1, 95 or NT.
Some programs would require WinG. There wasn't a lot of investment in WinG, though, because DirectX on Windows 95 wasn't released long after WinG.
A subset of the Win32 API that was extensively used byprograms designed for Windows 95. One program that used it was Freecell, whichcame bundled with Win32s so that it could be used as a test application. (Usersof Win32 systems such as Windows 98 can run PW1118.EXE and it will state thatWin32s isn't needed, and will nicely offer to install Freecell.) Q125014 discusses ways to detect a Win32s version and has information about which OLE versions came bundled with (1.2 and later) versionsof Win32s.
[#pw1118]: Win32s 1.30c (released February 19, 1996) (also called version

Came with OLE 2.03b. Win32s 1.30c from Microsoft Software Library (MSL) Directory(zipped locally: Win32s 1.30c zipped locally), Win32s FAQ (zipped local copy) gives uninstallation instructions.Q122235 (mirror) says 'There are no plans to further update Win32s at this time.'

Older versions
Other, older versions are listed onQ125014.A file labelled 950111 says 'Versions of WIN32S above 1.1 are not supported under OS/2 V3.0'.Actually, it seems any Win32s 1.2 version can be used with OS/2 V3.0 (but might need some sort of extra supporting software?).Versions Win32s 1.25A (May 1995) w32s125a.exe and Win32s 1.30a (September 1995) ole32s130a.exe are available from Winsock-L FTP Listings.However, note these files are coming from an unofficial source, and thepw1118.exe from there is the same file size, but differs,from the PW1118.EXE obtained from Microsoft.
Win32s issue with S3 dispaly driver (says to either change aperture-base=100 to be =0 and restart Windows, or upgrade the driver to version 1.3).OS2 fix
OLE Version 2.03
I suspect this may be a newer version than 2.03d that came with Win32s, since Win32s was released in February 1996 and Q123087 was last updated October 31, 1996.Donwload from
Video for Windows
Video for Windows 1.1e(download found from Winsock-L FTP Listings),(identical toVideo for Windows1.1e downloaded from, zipped locally)MSDN article on VfW says:'Microsoft® Video for Windows® (VFW) provides functions that enable an application to process video data. VFW was introduced in 16-bit Windows. Many of its features have been superseded by features in DirectX.' Video capturing software and devices have been known to use VFW, but many newer equipment supports Windows Driver Module (WDM).Q205087: Files used by MS VfW.John McGowan's AVI Overviewmentions an old URL from Microsoft.Version 1.1e was the last version for Win 3.1x(according toWikipedia's“Video for Windows” page).For some more information, seeJohn McGowan's AVIOverview.It says “ActiveMovie is Microsoft's successor to Video forWindows”.Wikipedia'sVideo for Windows page (from April 22, 2009) says“In March 1997, Microsoft announced that ActiveMovie would become part of the DirectX 5 suite of technologies, and around July started referring to it as DirectShow.”(However, that sentence cites two Microsoft sources which don't have thename ActiveMovie in either one of the cites sources.)
PC Speaker Sound Driver
Ms Windows 3.11 Download
Official, from Microsoft. Meant for Windows 3.1, works in Windows 95, and is described by MDGX Windows 3.1x Upgrades pages as 'Microsoft Windows 3.1x/9x/ME PC Speaker Driver 16-bit SPEAKER.DRV'. Many computers did not have sound cards, yet did have fully working PC Speakers. When this was installed, sound quality could be quite poor: This was able to be compensated for by changing an option that would slow down system reponsiveness (such as interacting with the mouse) when sound played. Microsoft PC Speaker Driver for Windows plays *.WAV type output from a PC Speaker, but is not a MIDI device. Despite the issues of quality with a PC speaker, this caused some PC speakers to play more advanced sound than any other PC Speaker software (which often played simple music notes), and was often superior than the silence otherwise offered by a computer without a sound card.Q138857 has anotherdownload URL:MicrosoftPC Speaker Driver for Windows and Q138857 says it applies to Windows 95, 98Std Edition, 98 2nd Edition, and Win Me. The local copy on this web site hasbeen zipped.

Microsoft Windows 11 Free Download

Updates (for WfWG 3.11) of existing files

Q133255says that the article applies to Windows for Workgroups 3.11 and it'WFWFILES.EXE is a self-extracting file that includes the same update files for the Windows for Workgroups version 3.11 client as those found in the CLIENTSWFWUPDATE directory on the Windows NT Server version 3.51 CD-ROM.' WFWFILES.EXE is a valid Zip file.

WFWFILES.EXE from Microsoft Software Library (MSL) Directoryhas a local copy which has been zipped.

[#ww0981]:WW0981.EXE Windows 3.11 Refresh files,

Microsoft Windows 3.11 (aka Windows For Workgroups) | PCjs ...

Updates 8 core files

The README.TXT in WFWFILES.EXE calls this“WW0981: WINDOWS(TM) 3.11 REFRESH FILES”,and “the Windows 3.11 update for Windows 3.10 users”,and includes instructions “To update a” (local or network)“installation of Windows 3.10 to Windows 3.11”.For some more information:Windows3.1 and 3.11 comparison,Postedquestion with list of drivers changed.Note that upgrading to newer versions of Windows may impact compatibility withOS/2 (especially “OS/2 for Windows”: (OS/2 information),WIN311.ZIP upgradeto OS/2 for Windows (zipped locally in a parent directory as

Offered by Microsoft's site in WW0981.EXE,or WW0981UD.exe (an update with some batch files,available from Conrad's Home for Windows 3.1at WW0981UD.EXE (fromConrad's Home)). WW0981UD.EXE contains a VGALOGO.RLE that is identifiedas Windows 3.11, and notes, 'Even the retail version does not have this!'

Q124325: Calc.Exe update
Updated Calc.Exe from Microsoft Software Library (MSL) Directory is identical tothe fix pointed to from Q124356. Q124356: Updated Calc.Exehas information on an update forWindows 3.1x (3.1, 3.11, WfW3.1, WfW3.11) and points to Updated Calc.Exe (from
(Zipped locally)
ww1138.exe 41573 06-22-95 MS Windows Calculator Upgrade ...MS Windows Calculator upgrade, fixes problems with rounding in earlier version with simple subtractions done with two numbers with integers to right of decimal point. Install: Download file and copy to empty directory. From DOS and directory containing file, enter: WW1138. See README.TXT file for further installation (described byfile listing)

ww1000.exe 24830 05-19-95 VSHARE-replacement for SHARE ...File contains VSHARE.386(Ver This version is compatible with Windows 3.1, WFWG 3.1, 3.11. VSHARE.386 eliminates the need for SHARE.EXE. Installation: Download file. In DOS, change to the directory with the file and type: WW1000. See the README.TXT file for further installation instructions.

(found described onfile listing)

See alsoMS KBQ112025: Updated VShare.386 for Windows(/Windows for Workgroups)

Windows File Manager
For Windows 3.1 and Windows 3.11, there isQ85557 has links for various releases.
For Windows 3.1 and 3.11 (US English)
Q85557 links to:WindowsFile Manager Y2K display fix for Windows 3.1 and 3.11 (US English).There is also Updated File Manager for Windows 3.1 and Post-Year-2000 Dates from MSL.
Windows for Workgroups 3.11
Windows for Workgroups 3.11 (US English) File Manager Y2K display fix is also available, as well as other languages linked to from Q85557. Additionally, there is Updated File Manager for WFW 3.11 and Post-Year-2000 Dates found from MSL.
See all results for this question
Problems with WfW 3.11
Proper 80387 support
WIN87EM.DLL Patch for Intel 80387
Some sort of OS/2 Installation
I belive this might only be needed for 'OS/2 for Windows' version 2.1, as I'm thinking version 3.0 contains the code needed to work okay, and the regular OS/2 2.1 would just use the bundled WinOS2 software. OS/2 upgrade to supportWindows 3.11: Win311.Zip description on suggests reviewing two files:311QAS.TXTand 311NOTIC.TXT (obtained from OS/2 BBS (Telnet site) (as per OS/2 Shareware BBS fixes20.html).
Run-Time files
The Visual BASIC runtime files are often needed for programs that were created with Visual BASIC. Often a new version of the DLL files will work when old ones are needed, if the new ones are renamed to the correct files. (I do believe there was also a Visual BASIC for DOS, but this primarily has to do with Visual BASIC releases for Windows.)
VB 6.0 Runtimes
Service Pack 6 for Visual Basic 6.0: Run-Time Redistribution Pack (vbrun60sp6.exe)Thanks pagelong URL contains short URL
VB 5.0 Runtimes
5.0 link used by MGDX, so probably latest version.
Older versions
4.0?, Updated VBRUN300.DLL FileVBRUN200.DLLVBRUN100.DLL,
TCP/IP information
For “Windows for Workgroups 3.11”, there isTCP/IP-32. SeeQ111682 for some info.Q99891 has some info on obtaining Tcp32b.The TCP/IP-32 may have had a code name of Wolverine before release, andperhaps was released as Wolv516.* (.exe and .txt), and also may havebeen known as TCPUPDATE (as noted with Q99891).See also howto.!Misc_Utils!Win32+TCPIP.html
Other info

.NET Framework 3.5 Doesn't Install. Windows 10.. Error ...

  • WfW 3.1 and 3.11 features/info:
  • README.WRI from WfW 3.11 part 3 or 4: Q109504
Other resources:
  • AXCEL216/MDGx Windows/WfWG3.1x page, and its first link AXCEL216/MDGxpage on WINDOWS/WFWG 3.1x ESSENTIAL FREE UPGRADES + FIXES
  • Descriptions of more files: Info about a TechNet CD giving short descriptions for some filenames (in some language other than English),README.TXT andindex.txt for the'Microsoft SoftwareLibrary (MSL) Directory' (located at
  • once have beena Win3x upgrades download page
  • Latest Version of3.1 Help Compiler (HC.EXE and HCP.EXE version 3.10.505)(The local copy of HC505.EXE, on this web site, has been zipped.)('Latest Version' as described by MSL index)
  • Q124435: Windows 3.1 ResourceKit Files Avaiable says the page Applies To:'Microsoft Windows for Workgrups 3.2'.
Windows 3.11 Operating System

Windows 3.11 For Workgroups Download


See All Results For This Question

Included in Win32s. (Grab above.)

Win32 users may also be interested inFreeCell Pro. Details are on theFreewaregames page.


Download Windows 3.11 Iso Image

Included with Windows 3, but not in mostcopies of Windows 3.1.Wikipedia'sarticle on Windows 3.1x says,“Reversi was still included in some copies”.It was also downloadable for Windows 3.xx users.

  • See REVERS.EXE from the Windows Driver Library (locally or WFWADD.EXE, bothdownloadable from Conrad's home for Windows 3.1(a site unrelated to the webmaster of this site, who has also been namedConrad). That Revers.exe file is 28,462 bytes and is a self-extractingzip file, containing a 17,264 byte file.The Reversi.exe and Reversi.Hlp files, from the Revers.exe archive, havethe same bytes (so they are byte-for-byte identical) as the Reversi.exe andReversi.Hlp filesin the WFWADD.EXE archive.
(Reversi may also be available Reversi 3.11)which provides a different (16,672 byte) executable.

Windows 10 SDK 10.0.10240: The Installer Failed. Fatal ...

The 16-bit versions mentioned here have beenconfirmed to be incompatible (so, they do NOT work) with Windows 7 64-bit.


Downloads Slow, Not Finishing - From Microsoft

  • Interesting, but that would remove a lot of stuff you might actually need.
  • I've played with putting Windows 3.x on a floppy before. I usually start from MINI.CAB on a 9x installer, and then add what I want from there. If you use PKUNZIP (or the smaller JR variant) and a RAM disk, you can fit quite a bit on there. I'd try again to see if I could fit say, Trumpet Winsock and a packet driver onto it.
  • It would be a great idea if you are interested on this to put it as a download under the windows 3.11 tab. As you are the admin
  • We don't need hackjobs here. This is a hackjob and provides no benefit to the community.
  • We don't need hackjobs here. This is a hackjob and provides no benefit to the community.
    Well, not entirely true...
    This is from the 'about' section by the way:
    In addition to aiding young geeks like us, we also aim to help people in less fortunate circumstances, who may not have the resources or means to acquire modern hardware and software.
    Less fortunate circumstances might include not having a hard drive or CD-ROM drive.
    Just saying.
    [Sorry if this violates any rules that I am unaware of.]
    Yes, the file in the Win9x CDs was awesome, and I would get a small NTFS driver for MS-DOS/Windows 3.x and put it on the floppy disk, which would result in the best recovery thing-y ever.
    Edit: No, it shouldn't be added to the Windows 3.x section, but uploaded somewhere else on this site.
  • If we collected custom boot disks we could easily have a collection of 100,000 and the important ones would get lost.
    Any custom items here need to provide a justified benefit to the community. This is why we have the CDU MS-DOS '7.1' CD, because some people genuinely need to install a DOS environment without a floppy and without pulling updates and components from 100 different sources.
    This Windows 3.11 boot disk would have made an interesting novelty back around 2005. But 'modern' machines don't have floppy drives, increasingly won't boot USB floppies or DOS, lack PS/2 mice or keyboard emulation, and so on. VM/Emulators are not limited to floppy images. And people restoring an earlier computer would have more pressing concerns such as bootable diagnostics or installation media.
    Please feel free to make a case for this or other custom disks. I could easily be overlooking some use that is important to others. But at the same time, we can't just add things willy-nilly.
  • So, if I'm using this floppy image in DOSBox, does it require that I have a CD image mounted using DOSBox's imgmount command or a CD in my physical drive when I mount it using DOSBox's mount command? Because when I run 'boot -l a' after mounting this floppy image, I get:
    Error: No CD-ROM drives detected at all.
    Error: Device driver aborts loading.
    and then the process just refuses to do anything else.